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  • Writer's pictureJameson Hefti

The Food Coma Holiday

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. This is a holiday brought together by food, so naturally this is my favorite holiday.

I love to get together with my family, play games, and of course eat the delicious food. My grandma makes the best stuffing, and it may sound dumb, but that is what I look forward to every Thanksgiving. Just sitting around that big table with my whole family, and all the home made food in the center, waiting for us to eat it.

The smell that hits you when you walk into the house, is the best feeling all year. This is the one day a year when you can try to eat as much as you can and not feel guilty (especially grandma's stuffing).

Trying everyone's food that they made is amazing too. There is always someone who brings a different dish than normally is at a Thanksgiving dinner. This dish is always a hit or miss, either it is amazing, or not so good, either way I always try it.

Then the pie is always amazing too. Honestly I am not a huge fan of pumpkin pie, but apple pie is amazing. On rare occasions I love the pumpkin pie though. It has to be home made and perfectly done, although that is very hard to do.

I would know this from personal experience, I tried to make one, one time and it did not go as I had planned. My grandma also makes the best apple pie. I think everyone's grandma makes the best apple pie though.

They know exactly how long to cook it so it is not too runny, but doesn’t get over done. The

homemade pie crust is a very good part of the pie too. The buttery crunch that hits your mouth when you take the first bite of the pie crust is unmatched. You always have to have a heaping amount of whipped cream on any pie slice or two you have.

This holiday is a great excuse to get together with the family you only see once a year. Being able to eat means that you don’t have to have too much awkward conversation with them.

I also can not deny the fact that I love going to see the dogs, but there is always that one dog that tries to beg and eat all the food, but being me, I would never share my Thanksgiving dinner with a dog, although I do love them with all my heart.

As you can tell Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, with all the food, family, dogs, and games. It is a great time to celebrate and reconnect with family members, and get full on delicious food.

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